Sunday, January 17, 2010

Dear Mr. Kerry Sullivan...

For the love of God, please confirm the gender of the person to whom you are writing. I will never do business with the people who sent this to me for this exact reason.

Saturday, January 16, 2010

Fliers from my apartment community -- fail.

Let's not focus on the fact that my apartment community still communicates via paper fliers shoved under my door -- sooo 1985.

Let's, instead, focus on the fact that they need a proofreader, editor or simply someone who cares like I need my daily grande soy no-water Chai.

Exhibit A: What does "Before leaving out..." mean?

Exhibit B: "Your generosity was AMIABLE and outstanding"? Someone was Thesaurus-happy. Don't get me started on "Due to the response..."

Exhibit C: What are RESIDENTS5?